Project “Objektiv” (objectively) – Meeting people with disabilities

The head of the project “Objektiv” (Objectively), Natascha Belger, also relies on a wheelchair. Together with her colleagues from the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Behinderung und Medien” (Working Group on Disability and Media), she visits school classes in Bavaria on request to answer the curious questions of the students on the topic of disability.

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The “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Behinderung und Medien” (abm) has been working for more than 30 years to raise awareness and educate people about the everyday lives of people with disabilities in the form of television programmes. The abm employees visit school classes in Bavaria to talk about their lives with disabilities and how they cope with their somewhat different everyday activities. They provide informative short films to be used in class and directly answer the curious questions of the students.

The successor to the “Objektiv” (Objectively) project is the “TV-includio” project.